1. Do I have to be fit?

    No. If you have a medical condition, you should consult your doctor, but generally most doctors will be in favour of your taking up this gentle form of exercise.

  1. What about if I'm disabled?

    Tai chi and chi kung is good for people in wheelchairs, people who can't stand for very long, and so forth.

3. What should I wear?

    Any loose clothing is fine; no special outfits are necessary.

    Shoes should not be outdoor shoes, but any flat-soled shoes, or bare feet are fine. Not trainers, though, because of their design.

    4. How do I know my instructor is any good?

    All our instructors are registered with the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain.

  1. How much do I need to practise at home?

    That's up to you. It's recommended to practice the warm ups and the tai chi walking at home, for maybe 10-15 minutes a day. A little bit of practice every day is far better than going madly at it for several hours at a time.

  1. I can't remember anything- what do I do?

    Relax. Everyone goes through this – the important thing is to have a go, and eventually you'll start to remember bits and pieces, until gradually you learn your way through everything. The thing is not to worry about not remembering – in the beginning you are learning how to learn, as much as learning the actual exercises themselves.